Monday, January 9, 2017

Maggie's Moustache Entertains

In November Maggie's Moustache 4 came into being.  It is called Maggie's Moustache Entertains and is one of the best ones yet, being an uplifting tale of country and western music, attempted suicide and glitter.  I know I would say that but it was about a year in the making and I think it really captures the surrealness of a moustache that goes about in the world as a separate entity to it's 'host' and also the feeling of that particular part of K where I live and where time seems to have stood still since about 1982.

It was the same fantastically low production values as all the other, ie printed at the local library and I sold it at the Yulefest open studio in Kilkenny and gave a couple away to friends and edition one is all gone.  I am already writing Maggie's Moustache 5 which is going to be feature length - whatever that means for zines.  What I mean is is that it's going to be a long story and they are sometimes the best of all ...