Saturday, November 19, 2011

Come up and see my etchings ... and lithographs

aquatint, chine colle and monoprint

Here's the result of 6 weeks feverish activity. 
'All this work in only 6 weeks?'  I hear you cry 'You must have worked very hard'
Thank you, yes, yes I did.
'And aren't you sick of that dog?' you ask
Yes, yes I am
Aquatint, collage, pen and monoprint
Aquatint, monoprint (ghost print)

Aquatint, pen, monoprint

Aquatint, pencil, collage

Aquatint, pen, monoprint

Aquatint, pen, monprint

Monoprint, drypoint

Etching, aquatint, monprint

Etching, monoprint

Etching, monoprint, collage

Monoprint, collage

Lithography x 4 - Lithography, monoprint. collage, pen, acrylic